Saturday, September 18, 2010

TEAM.Commons: Messaging

This is the 6th of several posts about TEAM.Common, a set of functionality I use in every project and that I'd like to share. The index is here:

Before talking about the details of TEAM.Commons.Threading I need to explain TEAM.Commons.Messaging, a set of classes about communication between processes based on the concept of transport.


public interface ISendingTransport
    void Send(object message);
    void Send(object[] messages);


public interface IReceivingTransport
    // Blocks the current thread until a message is received.
    IList<object> WaitForMessageWithoutTimeout();

    /// Blocks the current thread until a message is received or timeout ellapses.
    IList<object> WaitForMessage(TimeSpan timeout);

There are two available implementations of these transports:


public class InProcessTransport : ISendingTransport, IReceivingTransport
This class implements both interfaces so that it can be used for communications between threads, handling all the related complexity. It's a very important piece used in the implementation of the advanced threading features in TEAM.Commons.Threading.

Send messages through an MSMQ Queue.

Receives messages from an MSMQ Queue.

Remember, you can get all this code for free at bitbucket:

Check it out to get ideas, or simply use it as it is. It's working out for me and my team.

TEAM.Commons: Threading - part 2

This is the 5th of several posts about TEAM.Common, a set of functionality I use in every project and that I'd like to share. The index is here:

In TEAM.Common.Threading you can find these abstractions:

A thread running a task in an "infinite" loop, until some other thread asks it to stop.
This is a very basic piece I use it all the time for implementing services and it's also the foundation for the "advanced" features.

public abstract class WorkerThread
 Exception Error { get; }
 void ForceStop();
 bool IsStopped { get; }
 void Start();
 void Stop();
 event EventHandler<System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs> Stopped;

My approach to parallelization was to use the one producer -> several consumers technique:
You must create an instance of this class passing an instance of IProducer and a list of IConsumerWorker.

public class ProducerConsumersProcess<T>
    int ConsumedItemsCount { get; }
    int ProducedItemsCount { get; }
    void Start();

With a very simple interface, ProducerConsumersProcess<T> coordinates the producer and the consumers using a buffer (an InProcessTransport, see next post) and handling a lot of edge cases and exceptions.


public interface IProducer<T>
    T ProduceOne();
    bool HasFinished();


public interface IConsumerWorker<T>
    event EventHandler<RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs> Stopped;
    void Start(IReceivingTransport receivingTransport);
    void StopWhenStarved();
    void InterruptExecution();
    bool IsStopped { get; }
    int ProcessedItemsCount { get; }
    Exception Error { get; }
    string Id { get; }

These are the foundations for all the good stuff. The rest are classes that help in the most common cases:

Just pass two delegates:

public DelegatedProducer(Func<T> producerDelegate, Func<bool> hasFinishedDelegate)
Combine it with lambda expressions and you have a very flexible and expressive syntax.

Just pass an IEnumerable:

public EnumeratorProducer(IEnumerable<T> enumerableSource)
Combine it with the yield operator and/or lambda expressions and again, you have a very flexible and expressive syntax.

Just pass an IEnumerable:

public DelegatedConsumerWorker(string id, TimeSpan starvationTimeOut, int processedItemsCountMonitorizationStep, Action<T> consumerDelegate)
You know what comes now: mix it with lambda expressions and...

Remember, you can get all this code for free at bitbucket:

Check it out to get ideas, or simply use it as it is. It's working out for me and my team.

TEAM.Commons: Threading - part 1

This is the 4th of several posts about TEAM.Common, a set of functionality I use in every project and that I'd like to share. The index is here:

(Multi)Threading is a complex, error prone task. You must take a lot of details into account everytime you're going to do it. On the other side, it's a very powerful tool and refusing to use it is not a valid solution. At least not if you want to do some large processings or interactive UIs.

AJAX (web), BackgroundWorker and Dispatcher (desktop), have solved the interactive UIs part (at least I feel comfortable enough with those these days), but I didn't feel the same about large processings that could be parallelized.

At some point I got tired of avoiding multithreading until there was no other option and got my self to implement some abstractions that would allow me and my team to implement parallel processes really, really quickly, with industry level robustness.

The result is TEAM.Commons.Threading. Next thing is an example so that you can decide if you like it and want to go on reading this post, or stop right here.

// Create the list of consumers... we are creating 5 consumers for this example
var consumers = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(x =>
        new DelegatedConsumerWorker<string>(
            "Consumer" + x.ToString(),
            item => Console.WriteLine("Processed: " + item)

// Create a producer based on an IEnumerable of strings from "Item-01" to "Item-20".
var producer = new EnumeratorProducer<string>(Enumerable.Range(1, 20).Select(x => "Item-" + x.ToString("00")));

// Create the MainProcess... all the internal logic for parallelization is here.
ProducerConsumersProcess<string> p = 
    new ProducerConsumersProcess<string>(

// Start the process. This call blocks until the parallel process fails or ends.

Console.WriteLine("Process finished!");

Output is:
Processed: Item-01
Processed: Item-02
Processed: Item-03
Processed: Item-04
Processed: Item-05
Processed: Item-06
Processed: Item-08
Processed: Item-09
Processed: Item-07
Processed: Item-11
Processed: Item-12
Processed: Item-10
Processed: Item-14
Processed: Item-16
Processed: Item-17
Processed: Item-13
Processed: Item-15
Processed: Item-18
Processed: Item-19
Processed: Item-20
Process finished!

If you run the code (TEAM.Commons.Threading.SampleConsole) you'll see how the execution pauses at some points. That's because the buffer gets emptied and the consumers are waiting for the producer to produce more items. In the real world you should adjust the parameters to avoid these pauses: buffer size, producer pause time when buffer is full, consumers pause time when buffer is empty.

Next post will be about the details of TEAM.Commons.Threading.

Remember, you can get all this code for free at bitbucket:

Check it out to get ideas, or simply use it as it is. It's working out for me and my team.

TEAM.Commons: Formatting objects for human reading

This is the 3rd of several posts about TEAM.Common, a set of functionality I use in every project and that I'd like to share. The index is here:

Converting an arbitrary object into a human-readable string is something I need all the time, specially for logging.

TEAM.Commons has the PrettyFormat() extension method for the object class that performs this task. For an instance of a class like this:

public class CyclicClass
    public int IntProperty { get; set; }
    public SimpleClass SimpleProperty { get; set; }
    public CyclicClass CyclicProperty { get; set; }

The output of .PrettyFormat() would be:
CyclicClass {
SimpleProperty='SimpleClass {
 StringProperty='My string',
 DateProperty='3/2/2010 12:00:00 AM',
CyclicProperty='CyclicClass {
 SimpleProperty='SimpleClass {
  -- EXCLUDED (Too deep) --
  CyclicProperty='CyclicClass {
   -- EXCLUDED (Too deep) --

As you can see, by default it will go down only 1 level . Properties beyond that level will be rendered as "-- EXCLUDED (Too deep) --". There is an overload to specify an arbitrary deepness: .PrettyFormat(10).

The PrettyFormat method handles a lot of special cases: enum, IEnumerable, DateTimes, string, int, etc, providing an appropiate format for these types. You don't want to see an string as:
String {

but rather as:
The value of my string

Thanks to the "magic" of extension methods, you can even call it on null references, saving a lot of "if" instructions:

object o = null;

The output of the former code is: <NULL>

Remember, you can get all this code for free at bitbucket:

Check it out to get ideas, or simply use it as it is. It's working out for me and my team.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

TEAM.Commons: Infrastructure for the Query part of CQRS (or just for querying)

This is the 2nd of several posts about TEAM.Common, a set of functionality I use in every project and that I'd like to share. The index is here:

It all started with some CQRS reading (Command and Query Responsibility Segregation).

The idea of having a separated model only for querying seemed very valuable even outside a "classic" CQRS implementation, so we started applying it everywhere using an architecture like:

At this point, the implementation of the SqlSomeModelQueries was always something like this:
public IEnumerable<somemodel> GetAllWithCondition(string condition1, int condition2)
  using (var connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
    var cmd = connection.CreateCommand("select A, B, C, ... from T1 inner join T2 ... where ...");
    using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
      while (reader.Read())
        SomeModel result = new SomeModel()
          // Missing null checkings, safe conversions, etc
          A = Convert.ToInt32(reader["A"].GetValue()), 
          B = Convert.ToString(reader["B"].GetValue())
          // ... More properties
        yield return result; // We don't want to keep all the items in memory.

Obviously, after implementing this 3 times I decided I needed some infrastructure that will save us from repeating all this code over and over, with all the benefits that come with it.

You can find the complete implementation in Check the MapperExtensions and DbConnectionExtensions classes. Using this infrastructure the code above is:

public IEnumerable<SomeModel> GetAllWithCondition(string condition1, int condition2)
  using (var connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
    foreach (var item in connection.GetAllWithStreaming<SomeModel>("select A, B, C, ... from T1 inner join T2 ... where ..."))
    // There is an overload to pass an SqlCommand in case you need to use an SqlCommand with parameters.
      yield return item;

There are many details you must take into account if you want to do this by yourself:
  • Reflection is always very tricky to get right.
  • Reflection is slow, so use something like Fasterflect and its cache features.
  • There are a lot of special cases.
  • You should add as much information as possible in the exception messages.

Remember, you can get all this code for free at bitbucket:

Check it out to get ideas, or simply use it as it is. It's working out for me and my team.

TEAM.Commons: Introduction

This is the 1st of several posts about TEAM.Common, a set of functionality I use in every project and that I'd like to share.
  1. Querying.
  2. Formatting objects into readable strings.
  3. Threading - part 1 (introduction)
  4. Threading - part 2 (parallelization)
  5. Messaging (in-process and inter-process)

For some time I've been trying to organize, stabilize and share some common code I use in all my projects and that I find myself copying over and over.

This code matures with me and it will be nice to keep some part of my evolution as a developer in this code's history.

Last time I published what I called Romialyo SDK. Since then I have already made some improvements and stopped using git in favor of Mercurial, so here is the new TEAM.Commons.

I'll try to blog about it because I feel there are many things in there that could be used by many people and more importantly, I'd love to get some feedback on this code because it contains what I feel are the best things I've coded.

Any improvement on this code will be a direct improvement on my abilities.

Remember, you can get all this code for free at bitbucket:

Check it out to get ideas, or simply use it as it is. It's working out for me and my team.